Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Choosing The Best File Recovery Solution

All file recovery solutions are not created equally. But, choosing one specific software or service company can be overwhelming from the sheer numbers available. For starters, why do some file recovery software cost as low as $29.99, while others range as much as $400? Before addressing these details, and how to choose the best file recovery solution for your situation, let's make sure your files have the best chance to be recovered.

Safety First...

If you are reading this article on the computer you are trying to recover files from, do the following steps immediately (Your computer is always running in the background, and could be overwriting the data you are trying to recover):

1. Close any important documents that are open.

2. Print this article to follow off-line.

3. Unplug your computer (Do not turn off your computer, unplug it now.).

Note: Unplugging the computer stops the computer from running all together. Turning off or shutting down your computer might make the computer go through a process that could overwrite data - your files.

What not to do...

1. Do not run the system recovery disk from the computer manufacturer. This software is designed to get your computer running again with no regard to your data. In other words, it is not designed as a file recovery solution. Just ask the manufacturer if there is a possibility that you could lose data. Yes, is always the answer.

2. Do not install file recovery software on the computer you are trying to recover files from, for this could overwrite the files you are trying to recover. You must have a secondary storage device (i.e. hard disk drive, USB device, etc.) to install the program and to recover the files.

Note to Advanced Users: Even if you are trying to recover a particular partition, and already have a separate partition to install the file recovery software on, do not do it. Since there is possible corruption within the file system at this point, you run the risk of overwritting the partition and files you are trying to recover during the installation process. Better safe than sorry. Install the program on a secondary drive.

File Recovery Software...

Which file recovery software you choose depends on what has happened:

1. Have you accidentally delete a file that you want back?

2. Have you lost a file, or found it damaged upon opening it?

3. When starting your computer, has it failed to boot to the desktop,

invoking a blue or black screen, or an error message (write that message down)?

Accidentally deleted files can usually be recovered by File Undelete software, which lucky for you is the cheapest solution at about $30 USD. If you cannot locate a file afer running the program, the file system (where the files lie) may have been altered, deleted, or damaged. This means, File Undelete software cannot work, and you should use a "complete" file recovery product.

Lost or damaged files require a "complete" file recovery software, which usually costs about $100 USD. (Professional grade recovery software which include multiple recovery functions costs as much as $400). If you cannot locate a file after running the program, or if your computer failed to boot to the desktop, you may need File Recovery Services.

File Recovery Services...

A good rule of thumb at choosing a file recovery service company is, if they develop and sell file recovery software - not just sell them, they should have reliable in-lab services (After fifteen years of developing file recovery software, and knowing who is who in the industry, I can attest to this point). Also, full-scale recovery companies only do file recovery and computer forensics. So, ask a computer related question like, can you install a network with thirty computers? Yes means hang up the phone. Remember, you always get what you pay for and nobody works for free.

In conclusion, the saying in the industry is "file recovery is not, if it will happen, but when will it (and will you be prepared)." Prevention is the best solution. So, to ensure the safety of your files in the future (not to mention the hassle of having to go this process again) consistently do the following:

1. Back-up files daily to a secondary storage device, not on the main hard disk drive where you originally saved them.

2. Defrag your computer regularly. Doing so will increase the probability of a successful recovery if you ever encounter this problem again.

3. At least once a month confirm your back-up is working properly. This is a common problem.

Ken RobertsCeleste Blog91039
Amandie Blog55412

The Negatives Associated with Companies that Offer Lifetime Hosting Plans

Yes, I pay a set amount each and every month for my hosting and some of the additional services cost extra but these companies that offer Lifetime Hosting sound like a great money saver. What I don't understand is where is their incentive to perform each and every month. What if I pay this $100 plus fee and they just shut their company down and I can never find them again.

What about the fact that all they have is a sales page? Nothing deeper than that sales page, no support page, no FAQ page, nothing, nada, zip. With my present host, one of the things that I like, is whenever I call them there is somebody there to answer my call. Their support can be the ticket system, live chat, or phone support which is the one I prefer when I want an answer right then and there.

Just recently, I bought a software product via the WWW using my credit card. The software never came so I disputed the charge. After a month my credit card company sent me an email saying that they found in favor of the merchant because the sale was an intangible product and that I knew the risk before purchasing. So now I am out my $43 what happens when the hosting company takes off with my $100 plus, if I find them will I be able to get my money back?

I try to never buy a product where there is only a sales pages. Sites that don't have an email address or a phone number very rarely will get my business. I especially hate it when you do a Whois lookup and the registrar comes up as private or a bogus name and info.

I also see that these companies offering lifetime hosting usually offer great disk space and I've even seen some of unlimited bandwidth but 2 problems I see here is what if you need more space then what they give you and how many sites out there in the world are using any descent amount of bandwidth. I have 20 different sites and even though it is unfortunate but only 1 of them will ever exceed the use of more than 1Gig of bandwidth. What do I need unlimited bandwidht for?

Jeffrey Solochek is the Purple Cow of todays writers always adding his own unique wit and humor to everything. http://www.nosugarcoating.infoAlexi Blog40950
Celia Blog44648

How To Combat The Worldwide Skills Shortage


In the past decade, we have experienced a steady erosion of skills amongst people working in various industries, professions and businesses. This includes many large industries like chemicals, petrochemicals, oil refining and the like. This is a very provocative statement which will, no doubt be hotly contested by some people, but nevertheless it is true, like it or not. This is the reason why one often hears a cry amongst HR professionals, business leaders and management gurus of a worldwide talent crunch. A side effect of this skill erosion has been an increase in salaries and benefits in many companies to those employees who have retained or enhanced their skills ( as contrasted with the pay cuts seen everywhere not so long ago), as well as concrete steps to stem attrition at all levels. This paper attempts to provide an insight into the issue as well as provide a solution for companies and businesses that are suffering from this problem.

History of the problem

The problem of the skills shortage can be directly attributed to three reasons. The first and primary reason is the Downsizing effect. The second reason is Demographics. The third reason is that not enough young workers are entering the workforce in some sectors. We will study these one by one and also attempt to provide a solution.

Downsize em all!

In the mid to late nineties, there was a wave of a new management fad that cut across all sectors, industries and professions. This fad was the concept of downsizing and rightsizing. Coupled with its cousin of outsourcing, it played a dominant role in creating todays problem. Like many other temporary quick fixes, it only proved the old adage , that the solution to a problem can create a bigger problem.

Until the nineties, typically employees in most companies, shared between them, a vast body of knowledge, that was the real driver of the growth and profitability of the business. This was never acknowledged or measured as such by top management seriously. Thus this intellectual property of the business was never cared for properly. Merely having a physical location (like an office or a factory) and machines (or plants or computers or other physical assets) and money in the bank, does not make a business. The business requires skilled people, in various functions, having diverse skills, to glue it all together. They co-ordinate the people and assets, use the money productively and thus create value. This key insight was lost on the swashbuckling managers and cost-focussed bean counters of the cutting nineties (a term similar to the swinging sixties, but more sinister), who looked askance at people, mocked them as mere cost centers and concentrated on cutting them out of the business.

No doubt that every business does acquire some flab and bureaucracy as it grows older, but this wave of downsizing threw out the baby along with the bathwater. This scored the managers of those days some brownie points and lifted the bottom lines of those companies during the recessionary times by some percentage points. Not to speak of the increase in their own bottom lines because of the bonuses and stock options. But then, when the economy picked up again, this downsizing process left the companies with gaping skills shortages. This left companies with little or no resources to again expand capacities, regain their market positions, introduce new products or even to take care of existing products.

This opportunity cost has been never seriously measured by any of the management gurus, to my knowledge.


In Europe the average age of the population has now increased. This fact is well known and publicized often. However, what is not emphasized enough, is that the aging is far from uniform. In some industries, like chemicals manufacturing, the average age of a typical plant operator is more than 50! Besides, because of the decrease of retirement age by the industry (in its cost-cutting era), it means hundreds of these operators would retire at the same time, permanently cutting off their knowledge of so many years of industries and processes. There wont be enough operators to go around since this age profile cuts across many chemical companies in the western world. Hence, once these operators exit the workforce, finding replacements wont be easy. Ditto for other large manufacturing sectors.

Bad PR and Uncool industries & sectors

Professional PR managers say, that there is no such thing as bad PR, any publicity is good, if it generates interest amongst a community to discuss it. While this may be true for businesses like software or mobile phones, bad PR has badly affected the chemical industry, by painting it as eco-unfriendly, polluting and bad smelling. This is simply untrue with respect to many chemical industries today, who have far less pollution & environmental problems today. In fact most of the problems of pollution and warming in cities can be attributed to vehicular pollution rather than industrial pollution. However, whos listening? To the youngsters graduating out of college the chemical industry is simply uncool. There also do not seem to be many efforts at correcting this view from the manufacturers of chemicals. Besides, the memory of the downsizing campaigns is still fresh and nobody wants to join the chemical industry, IT industry or other manufacturing industries, to make a career. They would rather join a TV channel, become a Radio Jockey, or go into the hospitality business or perhaps even try stock broking or merchant banking. This "bad PR" has also hit the IT industry in the US, where not many young people are enrolling in Computer Science courses in universities, because of the fear of not getting jobs due to outsourcing. Thus this leads to further shortages from the IT businesses point of view.

The effect of combined factors

The effect of all the factors in combination above, has been a dramatic shortage of skilled people in the industry. This creates not just problems of paying more for available skills or overtime, but the fact that a wrong operation because of lack of skills and / or training can result in a disaster, in case of a chemical company, affecting entire communities, not just individuals or companies. Wrong operations in other professions like the IT industry can have also serious undesirable consequences, which may also be catastrophic (imagine a software code with many bugs in your banking application software).

The solution to the problem

The only solution to the problem, is by spending more time, attention and money on training programs that enhance the skills of the workforce in general, refresh old skills that workers have and bring up the skills of the freshers or semi skilled workers who join the workforce, all in a short time. This can be achieved, only by employing innovative training solutions. The old training technique (which is hundreds of years old, by the way), can no longer be used effectively in todays situation.

We are talking about classroom based training here. When somebody says training to a manager, the first thing that comes to his/her mind is Oh! My God! Not again! I am already short of xx workers and they ask me to spare somebody for training!!. This is because many of us still associate the word training with classroom training.

This is of course not correct. The world has moved ahead and training can now be imparted online, at home, in the garden or on the beach. It is now ON DEMAND learning, thanks to the proliferation of the Internet, easy availability of PCs/laptops and mobile phones.

We are talking of e-learning and m-learning here. Besides being flexible, it can be imparted in bite sized chunks, easily digestable, over a period of time. Repeating it hardly costs anything, whereas a classroom refresher training directly doubles the cost.

An added benefit is that, for young entrants to the workforce, it gives them learning on platforms that they are already used to and comfortable with (i.e on laptops, PDAs and Mobile phones). It somehow enhances the cool factor and removes the image of the industry as staid, conventional and old-world.

Topics for learning

Previously there were not many courses with ready made topics with e-learning providers. Typically, most e-learning service providers used to provide custom-made, bespoke learning packages to individual companies. While this approach had its benefits, the downside is, that the courses are suitable only for the company for which they were designed, leading to a very high cost per user, nullifying the low cost advantages of e-learning.

However, now newer companies like Abhisam Software have e-learning titles on topics that are suitable to many process industries. Examples include Hazardous Area Instrumentation and Gas Monitors. Since these are standard courses, they can be offered at a much lower cost than the earlier custom designed courses. Besides, if the number of learners is sufficiently large (say about 50 or more) then some degree of customization of these courses is also possible, again at a low cost.


Due to historical reasons, there has been a skill shortage in the industries and businesses, all over the world.

This skill shortage will only worsen, as seniors retire and not enough youngsters enter the workforce in large numbers.

If somehow more youngsters do enter the workforce in large numbers, the cost of training them, using the traditional training methods will be prohibitively expensive and unviable. Also not enough technical training personnel are available, to offer one-on one training.

Using newer education technologies like e-learning and m-learning, knowledge and expertise, can be imparted quickly and precisely, to those people whose skills need to be developed. This can be done at a fraction of the cost of traditional learning. Thus new recruits can be trained effectively.

Using standard topics and templates for learning, reduces the cost of the training further. Customization if required, however is always possible. In most cases, even with the cost of customization added, the total cost of training using these modern methods is lower than the cost of traditional training.

Additionally, e-learning provides managers with a way to track training remotely, because most e-learning systems will provide test scores, record time spent on each module or page, log the students activity and provide very detailed measurements, that can be used to improve the training. Traditional methods hardly provided any data, save for a feedback form at the end which students themselves filled in, which then lies forgotten in some dusty file, forever.

E-learning and m-learning does not mean merely reproduction of classroom training materials into soft copies and viewing them on a PC or a mobile. Companies like Abhisam Software provide e-learning that is media rich, with lots of pictures, Flash based animations (that simulate a process or show the working of a machine or a phenomenon), interactive simulations (that include the learner in the Flash exercises), real-life video clippings of events or procedures and online assessments. This kind of rich-media training is simply not comparable with the traditional classroom based training. The courses are designed with the help of several subject matter experts, Instructional designers, animation and user-interface experts.

Thus the worldwide shortage of skills can be addressed by using training to enhance workers' skills, cross train workers, enhance the skills of semi skilled workers or freshers. This is possible only if company managements focus their attention on effective e-learning and m-learning philosophies. It is by far the best solution to bridge the skills shortage and gain competitive advantage.

Sam Polniak works with Abhisam Software (, a provider of e-learning courses on various topics such as Hazardous Area Instrumentation (, Gas Monitors ( and RFID ( Blog73718
Anissa Blog39980

A Childs Baptism Gift Ideas for this Special Occasion

A newborns baptism is a time when loved ones join together to witness a joyous occasion. Its an event that should be marked by a gift, but many dont know what type of present is appropriate to celebrate a baptism. While some choose to give money or a savings bond, it is also thoughtful to give a gift that will help preserve the memory of this special day. Some ideas include a photo album, handmade gift or personalized present gifts that will keep giving for years to come.

Photo Albums

A photo album will help to cherish the memory of this special day. While a white or ivory album is a classic gift, you can also look for albums that are more unique, yet still beautiful. Try looking for a pastel polka-dot, striped or patterned album. Another option is a linen or cotton fabric-covered photo album. These albums are becoming more and more popular and provide a special touch to this classic gift.

Handmade Gifts

A handmade gift is also something that will continually evoke the memory of this special day. Even if you arent up for knitting a blanket or pair of booties, you can often find luxuriously soft handmade blankets or stuffed animals at smaller childrens boutiques. Handmade gifts like these will be used for years to come and are special enough to be passed down from generation to generation.

Personalized Presents

Another thoughtful option is something personalized. A monogrammed silver-plated rattle or cup is a classic gift that will serve as a wonderful keepsake. You can also have a blanket or stuffed animal monogrammed with the childs initials or date of the baptism. Lastly, if you choose to personalize something more practical, a picture frame engraved with the childs name or date of the baptism is also a thoughtful gift.

Any of these gift ideas would be graciously received from the family. However, many of these presents, such as handmade gifts, are not found at mass retailers. If you dont have access to a city flecked with unique childrens boutiques, try scouting the web for online boutiques that specialize in baby gifts. Gift ideas available on the web are endless, so youre sure to find both an appropriate and wonderful baptism gift even without leaving the comfort of your home.

Terri Korolev is the owner of, an online baby boutique that specializes in hip and stylish gifts for all occasions.Annabel Blog69329
Alexine Blog48269

Where to Find a Yoga Ball

There is a wide selection of places where one can buy a yoga ball- both online and offline. Woolworths is one of the more popular options for those looking to buy a decent yoga ball at a reasonable price, as they offer a yoga and body ball set, which includes yoga tools, body ball, air pump, yoga mat, two yoga bricks, yoga strap, resistance band, yoga instruction video, gym ball instruction video, and an instruction DVD.

Another option is Kelkoo - they offer a wider selection of products, such as: yoga ball program and wall chart video, complete yoga set and body ball, yoga burst resistant Swiss ball and pump, totally fitness 53cm Swiss ball, and more. The yoga burst resistant Swiss ball and pump set is ideal for use in yoga, and the totally fitness 53cm Swiss ball is a strong and versatile prop for aerobic, strength and flexibility exercises. These are also often known as Swiss balls, gym balls, yoga balls, fit balls and exercise balls.

Ask friends or your yoga instructor for recommendations. Read online reviews by people who have bought yoga balls as they are more objective than retailers or manufacturers.

Used or New?

You could also try eBay, which often has both used and new balls for auction. Depending on whether you want a used yoga ball or not, you can find a great variety on eBay. EBay is also helpful because it allows you to narrow down the selection by choosing options that best suit your own personal interests, so that you can quickly and easily find the perfect yoga ball for you.

Depending on where the item is located, shipping and handling can be quick and easy, as well as affordable. This also saves you the time and effort of having to search through several different websites and stores looking for the right ball. Technically, there is no difference between a used or new ball provided it is not damaged or defective in any way. It is just a matter of personal preference.

You might want to look at neighborhood garage sales as you can ask the owner if you have any questions and actually see the ball as compared to eBay.

You can often find excellent deals at some sporting good stores that often throw in some additional promotional items if you purchase a yoga ball. Look around for coupons or big holiday weekend sales and youre sure to find a great ball at an amazing price.

Bob Henry has written articles about many subjects - but has a preference for Yoga-related information. You can read more about Yoga Balls and where to find them on the Internet at Blog49816
Aubrie Blog23503

Bracelet, How To Choose The Right Bracelet

Bracelet, Choosing The Right Bracelet Tips On Buying A Bracelet.

If you are looking for a bracelet, there are a few things that you should know. A bracelet would normally be more expensive than a ring. This is because the gold or silver weight in your bracelet would be more than what a ring weighs. If you are interested in a gemstone bracelet, the cost of the gemstones will also add to the price tag of the bracelet. A good quality bracelet cannot be cheap and this is the reason why you should make a proper evaluation of a bracelet before buying it. In this article we will provide you with simple and easy steps to check a bracelet before you buy it. We do hope that your jeweller will provide you with advice and suggestions, but most jewellers are more interested in rushing the buyer to make a purchase.

The first thing that you should consider is the basic design of the bracelet. The design should be streamlined without sharp or pointed edges. Sharp edges can not only injure delicate skin, but also get bent or dented easily. The type of mounting used for the diamonds and gemstones in your bracelet will depend on the design. Prongs used to mount gems need to be sturdy and strong. If the gemstones in your bracelet are mounted with thin needle-like prongs, the prongs can get caught in pockets and other places. This causes the prongs to gradually open up, this ofcourse loosens the gemstones which can then drop off. The design dimensions for your bracelet should take the metal weight into consideration. A wide width with low gold or silver weight, will mean that the metal is too thin. This can cause your bracelet to lose shape and get damaged.

The metal weight of the bracelet is another important thing to be checked. Good mounting of the gemstones or diamonds in your bracelet will need sufficient gold or silver weight. There can be no standard weight suitable for all bracelets, much will depend on the design, the number of gems and diamonds, the length and width of the bracelet etc. Looks can be deceptive so pay special attention to the weight of your bracelet. In general you can be sure that, ladies bracelets with a metal weight that is less than 10 grams will not be durable and sturdy. Your jeweller might tell you that, healthy metal weight will make your bracelet appear clumsy and bulky. Stop believing this nonsense, the truth is that the design needs to ensure that the bracelet does not appear bulky. The design for your bracelet should have good metal thickness, this will not be visible from the front of the bracelet. Compromising on the gold or silver weight of your bracelet would also mean that, the links that connect the segments of the bracelet will be weak. This can cause the bracelet to snap, it could then easily fall off your wrist and get lost. So remember that, good metal weight is essential for gold or silver bracelets.

You should also be given a wide range of gemstone options to select for your bracelet. Many jewellers use whatever few gemstones they have and put a bracelet together. This does not work to your advantage as you are restricted in your choice. You could choose the gemstones in your bracelet based on color, type, birthstone or traditional beliefs. For example, a mother's bracelet could include the birthstone of the mother and all her children. Such family birthstone bracelets can be made only if a wide choice of gems is available. There is ofcourse the issue of budget that you have at your disposal. You might see a gorgeous sapphire bracelet but, the sapphires could drive the bracelet out of your budget. You should be allowed to choose the same bracelet with cheaper gems like, blue topaz, iolite or probably cheaper sapphires. A jeweller with limited access to gems and production facilities will restrict your choice too. There is also the issue of conditions in which your bracelet would be worn. For example, an emerald bracelet needs special care when wearing and storing, this is because of the nature of emeralds. You might pefer the same bracelet design with green tourmaline instead of emeralds. Your jeweller will need to satisfy your requirements and not the other way round.

The metal for your bracelet will be a component of the price tag, a gold bracelet would add a substantial amount to the price tag. You should therefore have the option to choose gold or silver for your bracelet. Most jewellers are very eager to sell gold bracelets, but will either ignore you are provide you with second grade service if you talk about a silver bracelet. This is sad but true, so look for a jeweller who is willing to make a good quality silver bracelet for you if that is what you want. It is often said and rightly that, a good quality silver bracelet is better than a delicate and light weight gold bracelet. When you choose your silver bracelet remember that, no compromises regarding gemstone choice or craftsmanship need be made. For gold bracelets, you should have the option to select a 14k or 18k bracelet and also choose the gold color. If you are looking for a white gold bracelet, there is no reason why you should be happy with a yellow gold aquamarine bracelet. Jewellers make gold bracelets with low weight, this is done to allow lower price tags. They really don't care what problems these light weight junk will cause you after the payment has been made.

Insist on good craftsmanship for your bracelet, this should be the case for gold or silver bracelets. Bad craftsmanship could also mean loose gemstones and badly connected links. It is true that mass produced bracelets cannot be given individual attention. This is the reason why a custom bracelet could be best for you. Good craftsmanship is essential for ladies and men's bracelets, make sure that your bracelet is well crafted. Good craftsmanship provides more than just good appearance for your bracelet, this will clearly work to your advantage in the longterm.

Let us now summarize the features that you should check for before buying a bracelet. A good design, proper mounting of gems and diamonds, and good metal weight are top priority. You should be allowed to order your bracelet with your choice of gold karatage and color and your choice of gems. Make sure that the links for the bracelet components are strong, it would be sad if your bracelet snapped and fell off. Do not forget to check that the clasp for the bracelet is strong and durable. Various clasp designs are available and some boast of a double locking mechanism. Many jewellers use thin and tiny clasps as, they do not want to waste gold or silver weight on that part of the bracelet. A loose clasp can cause the bracelet to open when least expected, depending on where this happens, you could even risk losing the bracelet. Finally, make sure that the diamonds and gems are firmly mounted. Expensive repairs could result if some of the diamonds or gems drop off and get lost. Remember that, new stone replacements will need to match the remaining gems in the bracelet. This could be a difficult task and jewellers will request premium prices for such repairs.

The above information does not tell you where to buy your bracelet from. We prefer to provide you with information that will guide you to make the right bracelet selection. You can see some interesting bracelet designs at this link:

Kaisilver KaijewelsCassandre Blog35891
Audi Blog81944

Teeth Whitening Bleach Enlightens Your Smile

A beautiful smile enlightens the day is a popular phrase that explains the importance of having healthy and white teeth. Everybody in this world wants to have a good smile, which is only possible with the proper treatment of any dental defects that you may have. . Dental defects are not so hazardous that they cannot be treated successfully. There are several treatment methods for curing these defects. Teeth whitening bleach is one the best treatment to improve the color of teeth and remove any strains.

Nobody likes to see a smile that shows yellow or stained teeth. In fact, nobody responds to such a smile. Usually, stains may occur due to excessive drinking of coffee or eating tobacco or drinking cola. Teeth whitening bleach is the ultimate solution for curing these problems. It is a specialized process for lightening and removing the stains on your teeth. The bleach used in this treatment bleaches the enamel and dentin, principal mass of the tooth, and brightens up the discolored teeth.

Teeth whitening bleach has become a quicker method of improving your smile. The bleach used for teeth whitening contains certain amount of peroxide components. These peroxide components play a vital role in whitening your teeth. The amount of peroxide used in the treatment depends on the level of the stain to be whitened. Some of the dentists use higher amounts of peroxide to give a better and faster healing to the stain on your teeth. Other dentists might use lesser amount of peroxide. The main aim of the teeth whitening bleach is to give you a healthy smile.

Teeth whitening are most commonly used to get a healthy and beautiful smile. Whitening of teeth through teeth whitening bleach can be practiced at home and also under the supervision of a trained dentist. The treatment to be practiced at home can be a messy task, which may not give you faster and satisfactory results. If the treatment is practiced at home, you will have to wear the trays filled with bleaching agent. Sometimes, you will be required to wear the trays for a longer time. This can be a very tedious task.

It is always recommended to carry out the treatment of teeth whitening bleach under the guidance of a qualified dentist. The bleaching treatment done at the clinic of dentist can take 2 to 3 hours. In this way, you will be able to save a lot of your time and also money. The treatment at the clinic will give you better and quicker results. In fact, it is one of the most effective ways of treating stained yellow teeth. Teeth whitening bleach is the simplest means of getting rid of stained yellow teeth.

Teeth whitening bleach is the perfect treatment to brighten the discolored teeth. There are a variety of practicing dentists that offer advanced and better quality facilities. Many of them have their own websites to gain faster and wider access to the patients suffering from dentals problems. Moreover, it is the fastest way for the patients to discuss their problem with the dentist. They dont have to run around places to search for a better dentist. The availability of dentists through internet has helped the patients a lot.

Henry Wilson has special interest in health related topics. He has been working for Rubinsteindmd since the last 2 Years. For more information about Restorative Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry,teeth whitening Bleach and Dental Veneers visit Blog42751
Bunny Blog87367

A World of Knowledge - World Book Encyclopedia

I am a literary person. Ever since I was a child, I have never stopped the search for different books. I have always been interested in fiction, science, poetry and so on and so forth. When I hear the words, World Book Encyclopedia I always recall my childhood. First, I went through all the kid classics I was able to find at home. Then I went over to books with the adult content. I ate up the encyclopedias we had, The Compton Encyclopedia. Then after a short search at our local library, I found The World Book Encyclopedia.

While I was used to reading every book I found, my brother had another hobby. He only use to read encyclopedias. He loved to settle in an easy chair, put his feet up and start with the A page of the encyclopedia. I was always surprised that he would not stop reading until he finished the last page of the encyclopedia. When he finished the volume, he went on to the next volume. My brother never wanted to talk. I press the words he never talked. My mother used to say that he only grunted. He used to give a grunt if someone greeted him.

There was something queer about my brother but he was a genius. He attended college in Alaska. Then he went on to Military Intelligence. Then he went on to reading all-available encyclopedias The World Book Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Brittanica, and the Columbia Encyclopedia. He had isolated himself to read encyclopedias.

At the same time, I was dreaming about writing. Maybe his passion for reading made me a dreamer. I only thought about the kinds of writing I would do when I grew up. My boldest dream was to write encyclopedias.

When I graduated from college and I became a teacher at a college, I completely abandoned this writing dream. I started writing for a living. First, I decided to search how to be a freelancer. I was not keen on the idea but I needed to do something for a living. Fortunately, while I was searching I encountered a call for writers to submit to a literary encyclopedia. I remembered my old dream I applied but soon I forgot about it. I have always dreamt to be the World Book Encyclopedia writer. In order to make a living I went on to write web content.

I was very surprised one day when one day I got an email from the editor of a publishing house. He offered me to write book review, then literary surveys for an online academic literary library database. At that moment, I was the happiest man on the planet. I have encountered the one of the best jobs I can think of.

At the present time, my brother works as an MIS. He has not lost his passion to read encyclopedias. Now, he has moved to reading The World Book Encyclopedia online. I believe that you will ask me whether he has started to talk. The answer is no, he has not. He even sends me e-mail quite rarely. I understand him. He doesnt need to talk. We are busy people, whether reading The World Book Encyclopedia, or writing entries for The World Book Encyclopedia, and we cannot afford to waste time. Thank God for the Internet. Otherwise, he would never call me.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning books. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog55330
Bonny Blog56247

Affordable Perfume In A Bottle

When it comes to designer perfumes, there is no doubt that they can be quite costly. Anything of high quality normally comes with a hefty price tag. Its the same case with perfumes as well. Because of this, perfumes make great gifts for special occasions like birthdays, Christmas or anniversaries. Another thing about perfumes is that they are hardly ever on discount. Yes, this is true but only if you dont seek hard enough. Today it is possible to buy expensive designer perfumes at a discounted price. In fact, there are other options as well to get these perfumes at a discounted rate.

The best place to look for discount perfumes is undoubtedly the internet. There are virtually hundreds of stores online, which offer great deals on the internet for a whole of designer perfumes. The reason why they are much cheaper online is that they do not have a large overhead to spend. They do not operate from a store where they need to pay for rental or stock up on their merchandise. They provide online and just have to order your goods only when the order comes in. You have to be extremely sure of what you want though because you will not have the benefit of testing the perfume and keep in mind that you need to pay for shipping.

If you do not mind paying for shipping, then shopping for perfumes on discount stores online be good. Another option to buy discounted perfumes is to buy the perfumes that are no longer in production. If you are one those who are not into buying what is the latest and dont mind wearing a perfume that has not been around for some time then purchasing discontinues perfumes at discounted prices are definitely a great cost saver. Most of the perfumes have a short life span therefore when the demand is not there the price normally dips. You can have a designer perfume without putting much strain on your wallet.

Imitations are also hugely available in the market. Most imitations have really good scent and may have the fragrance just like the real thing but not quite. The price is highly affordable and you can still have a good perfume just minus the designer label. Who knows you might like it more than the real thing.

If you do not mind wearing an inexpensive perfume then you should keep your options open especially when you do not have much to spare. Wearing a perfume is all about finding the scent that you like best. So what if the perfume does not have a famous label on it. As long as it smells good and lasts reasonably long, there is nothing cheap about wearing inexpensive perfumes. The idea is to smell good so it really does not matter how or what.

However, if you still insist on having a designer perfume and you are not so fond of online shopping, then the only other option left is to wait for the right time to buy. Holiday seasons are the best time with plenty of discounts available in most of the stores. Sometimes in a certain time of the year when the stores are doing some clearance to usher in the new stock, there will be plenty of discounts so that they can finish their current stock.

Perfumes are meant to make you smell good and feel good. So what if you are wearing a discounted perfume, the chances are not many will even realize and it is definitely far better than wearing none.

Taisha Grant writes about, and Blog78898
Cam Blog86805

A Review of Backyard Football

To play a game of backyard football with your buddies or with the family doesnt mean the same thing any more. Probably you still remember the time when we all played full fledged football in neighborhood skirmishes, and if you dont its not so bad as you can still have some fun on your computer while playing backyard football. The game makes a great Christmas or birthday present for you children also. You just have to cover the hardware requirements and learn to play.

To play a game of football with your buddies or with the family doesnt mean the same thing any more. Probably you still remember the time when we all played full fledged football in neighborhood skirmishes, and if you dont its not so bad as you can still have some fun on your computer while playing backyard football. The game makes a great Christmas or birthday present for you children also. You just have to cover the hardware requirements and learn to play.

Having the chance to choose from more than 30 professional teams and of course all of their players, and to even modify every single player in the game, will be great fun for your little treasures. The fact that it allows players to change what they dont like makes that game really great. And you dont have to worry about your Backyard Kids standing up against adult players of Gannon and Bledsoe. Both you and your kind will get excited when you see the junior-sized characters of those real professional footballers in your copy of Backyard Football.

Another strong point of the game is that even offering so many options for the play itself it does not require having a super computer as some others do. In the computer age that we live in, even if the game is having problems to run on your computer it will be easy to upgrade it. It only requires a standard version of Windows 2000, 98 or even 95 will do, your processor speed should be at least 166 MHz and youll need at least 32 MB of free space on you hard drive, and youre ready for kick off. In case you decide to save all your teams players and scores in the tournaments youll need some more free hard drive space too. And of course the better the SVGA video card you have the better youll enjoy the game on the screen.

It will be great fun for you too if you give it a try. Nobody knows what a competition you may start. And you kids will be very happy with that if you finally found the time to spend a few hours with them playing Backyard Football on the PC. It will definitely leave you with some nice memories too. Sharing all the emotions of your children around that great game can even bring some of your memories about the days of real backyard football back.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning games. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog66560
Alta Blog40191

Booming Business: Earning A Health Care Degree Online

Many people question the possibility of earning a health care degree online. There is a stigma that exists around earning this type of degree online instead of being in a physical lab to do the work. Many people believe that health care is a hands on job that requires on the spot training, and cannot be obtained online. This is anything but true, as the boomer generation increasingly becomes more interested and in need of quality health care. The fact is that there are more health care jobs available today than there are people to fill them. The massive boomer population is getting to the age of retirement when their medical needs will surely increase. The already understaffed health care field will become even more in need of health care professionals. Earning a health care degree online is a great idea for anyone who is looking for a rewarding career. The benefits aren't just monetary; they're also rewarding in the fact that you are free to work while earning your degree, and can do it on your own time schedule.

Most people imagine health care degree online programs as being directly associated with becoming a doctor, or nurse; however there are many new health care fields that are also becoming popular. There is a high demand for those that have certification in medical transcription and medical assisting. Both careers have what seems to be an insatiable staffing demand by the health care industry. Those that earn a degree with a specialty in medical transcription will most likely be able to work from home typing up doctors notes and case files. This is something that has even been outsourced to other countries recently because there is not enough graduates to fill the need. With a health care degree in medical transcription one can also assume responsibilities in a hospital or doctor's office helping health care professionals with their day-to-day duties. This is a great way to gain valuable experience, and make a difference in other people's lives.

Concentrating on earning a health care degree online is all it takes to get the process going towards achieving a better career. This is such a certainty that many schools have career services offices with lists of employers that have an immediate need for qualified health care graduates. This is what makes you the most valuable commodity of them all; by allowing yourself to obtain a degree that makes you extremely attractive to those that are looking for health care related staff.

Another wonderful aspect of the health care degree online degree programs is that they offer an opportunity for those that have full time jobs to earn a degree on their own time. This means that you will not be forced to take a drop in your pay by having to take time off to study. You can maintain your current income while earning a degree online. Many students that spend time away from school, and return to continue their education find the most difficult task is to sacrifice their base income and subsequent lifestyle. Online programs allow you to continue working while achieving your degree.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Health Care Degree Online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Ardenia Blog72137
Alli Blog67371

The Art and Science of Computer Game Design

For anyone that enjoys playing computer games, a career and computer game design would be a dream come true. What could possibly the more enjoyable and rewording then designing your own computer game and actually being paid for it? Some designers are paid very, very well indeed. Every fan of computer games has no doubt at least occasionally fantasized having a career in computer game design, as a gamer myself, I have thought about how cool that would be myself.

If you are dreaming of a job in the computer game design industry, the good news is its a huge industry and there are loads of jobs available and it pays remarkably well if you should happen to come up with a hot seller. The bad news is that it is very difficult to learn the requisite programming skills that are required. Getting a degree in computer science is a solid beginning, but there's nothing easy about achieving that either. Of the six friends I had in college that were computer science majors, only one of them has the fortitude to see it through and actually get a degree. It is a grueling major filled with advanced mathematics classes and tedious programming exercises. You really have to be smart, and you really have to be motivated.

If these things sound like something you could handle that a computer game design career may be something you could do. You will definitely need a deep abiding affection for computer games, but that's pretty obvious isn't it? My college friend that got his computer science degree is currently working for a well knowing game design company, and absolutely loves it. He will tell you though, that it is nowhere near the fun and games that he first imagined it would be.

Computer games today have absolutely huge amounts of complex code and can take years to complete. In the infancy of the game industry, computer game design teams often consisted of just a few people. Nowadays, a lot of the games have many different production teams all working simultaneously on a project, with each working in their own field of expertise.

For the really skilled programmers, there is no limit to what you can achieve. Experienced programmers with a proven track record under their belts can not only command a large salary but can have a lot of creative input over the direction of the game.

There are some other job in the computer game design industry and programming does not interest you. Generally, programmers are the most sought after, but good graphic artists and writers can be attractive employees to say game design producers. They may not be paid as well, but they most certainly still make an excellent living in the ever burgeoning industry of computer game design.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning games. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog24055
Beilul Blog17263

HereS Your Complete Guide To Website Redesign- The Professional Way. Let It Grab The Attention Of Your Customers.

Your Complete Guide to Website Redesign

There is no doubt that website redesign can be necessary for anyone. Here, we will take a much closer look at some of the things which you should be sure to take into consideration when you decide to have your website redesigned. Read on to learn more about this, as well as why website redesigning may be of importance to your website.

Who is it the Most Suitable For?

There is no doubt that a website redesign can be suitable for just about anybody. It is probably the most suitable for a company or business that is looking to improve their success. It is also suitable for a company that is looking to get the best results out of website promotion or website optimization. Of course, if you just have a website which can use some readjustments, considering a new website design can be a very good choice for you.

Why is the Best Website Designing Important?

There are a number of different reasons why making sure your website experiences the best website designing can be very important to its overall success. The reasons are as follows:

* It can improve your websites overall appeal to anyone, through some of the best website graphics and styles.

* Website promotion can be a whole lot more effective, due to the new appeal of your website.

* It can help you pick out some of the best wording for your website, in order to make sure that your website optimization is top notch.

Why Can Website Redesigning Be Important For a Company?

Although you may have heard that it is true before, chances are that you may not know why a new website design can be very important for a company website. Well, for a number of different reasons.

* When people can easily understand how to use a website, they will be a whole lot more likely to use a service.

* The overall appeal, as well as how professional your companys website looks can be a huge determining factor as to how successful your company may be.

Know What You Want to Improve About Your Website

One of the main keys to getting the best website redesigning is knowing what it is that you want to improve about your current website. For example, do you want to get rid of those lousy graphics and have a graphic design company replace them with their professional graphic services? Or do you want to make sure that everything that it is on your website sounds professional enough? No matter what the case, it is important to have a good idea of what you would like to improve beforehand.

Know What You Want to Keep About Your Website

One of the main keys to getting the most through website designing is knowing what your websites strengths are. For example, do you like the way that everything is worded, but you simply do not like the way that it is laid out? If this is the case, all you will need is a new layout. Or perhaps you just want to make your website easier to understand. No matter what it is, you should have a good idea of what it is that you like about your website as it is right now.

Have Ideas in Mind

Having the right ideas in mind can be very important for you. It can make the entire process of redesigning your website go a whole lot smoother. Chances are that you will also probably have a much better chance of getting what you are looking for if you have some ideas of what you want beforehand. Otherwise, it will be completely left up to your website designer. It is safe to say that; overall, brainstorming can be very helpful to anyone.

Know How Well it Grabs Attention

One of the main keys to having the ultimate website promotion, as well as the ultimate website optimization, is making sure that your website grabs attention. Chances are that if the design of your website is boring, people will not become overly interested. However, if you make your website interesting and very stylish, chances are that you will begin to see much better results.

If you do not know whether or not your website grabs attention right now, you should make sure that you ask several people what they think about your websites appearance. If they like it, chances you will not need to change much but if they do not like it, you could end up needing a complete website redesign.

Understand The Purpose of Your Website

The most important thing about having the most effective and well designed website may be understand what the purpose of the website is. For example, if it is intended to advertise a company, you should know that. If it is used to sell your companys products, you should be able to freely identify that.

Whether these are the purpose of your website or if it is just used to teach others about your personal interests, you should have a good idea of what your website is supposed to do. This can make the website redesign process go a whole lot easier.

Improve the Content on Your Website

There is no doubt that the content of your website is probably the most important thing. It can completely determine how effective your website promotion or website optimization will be. Not only do you want to make sure that the content on your website flows, but you also want to make sure that the content on your website also sounds credible. This is especially important if you have a company website, in order to ensure the sale of your products or services.

Hire The Best Website Redesigners

Although anyone can redesign your website for you if you pay them to, not everybody will be able to do the same job. It is important to make sure that you hire the best people to transform your website through website redesigning. In order to find the right company, it is important to find people who are experienced in website designing, and who will also cater to your needs.

Although you may find a website redesign company who will offer you cheap services, the most important thing is quality. Quality will determine the complete success of your company, or overall effectiveness of your website.

Rajesh V. Tavakari, Senior SEO of Offering affordable website promotion and natural optimization services since 1998. Website : . You may freely reprint this article on your website or in your newsletter provided this courtesy notice, author name and URL remain intact. Adrianne Blog47897
Barb Blog82843

Starting an Internet Business on a Budget

I sometimes meet new Internet marketers on various forums, and they want to earn a decent living online, however, most of them have only the slightest ideas on where to start, and most are not willing or able to invest much money in an online business. Trouble is, it is almost impossible to start an Internet business without spending some money. Theres web hosting for a start. However, heres a rough guide on how to build an Internet business starting with nothing.

If you have no money to start off your online business, you can earn some capital using your already existing skills or knowledge. You can give tuition to students on your best subject in school or college, you can teach others about your hobby, you can write guides on knowledge or skills you picked up through experience that cant be found in books.

The first thing to do is make a list of your skills. What skills do you have? (What do you mean - none? Of course you have!) If, for example, youve been running a home for the past few years, you have skills in organizing, (trips, parties, healthy lunchboxes etc.) childcare, budgeting to name just a few. You might also (perhaps through your job or from your hobbies) have an interest in languages? It is vital to list skills or knowledge that you have and that could possibly be in demand by other people.

For example, lets say you love fly-fishing and you do it every day after work. You could build your Internet business on writing a guide to fly-fishing. There you are, that wont cost you a cent! Maybe youre good at writing stories or were good at essays at school. Copywriting is a very useful tool, and good copywriters are always in demand. There is always some mundane job that people don't want to do, but maybe you can do it. One persons mundane is anothers exciting!

Another way to go is through affiliate marketing. Many internet marketers start out this way, and many of the really successful ones keep doing it. It can pay really big dividends if you know where and how to advertise. It works on the principle that when you get someone to sign up under you, you get paid a certain amount if that person buys the product being sold. If its a paid membership site, you get paid a percentage of those members monthly fees for as long as they remain a member. You can be a member of as many affiliate sites as you like, so you have the opportunity to make a very good living this way, so go for it!

©Marie Byrne 2007Angela Blog18889
Celia Blog44648

Tips On How To You Can Get Better Auto Insurance Rates

Getting better rates on your auto insurance is something that many people would like to do. So many are paying a lot of money, too much money - and doing it unnecessarily. By following a few simple steps, you could reduce your annual auto insurance costs, and save some money for those other projects you would like to do. Here are five steps that will enable you to reduce your costs.

1. Compare Car Insurance Quotes

This is one of the easiest things to do, because you can do it at any time of day, just by going online. You will want to find an insurance Web site that will allow you to get several quotes from different companies with just one application. When you do this, go to at least two different Web sites and get several quotes from both.

Before you get that new car insurance policy, however, you may want to do a little research to discover some things about the company if you are not familiar with that name. You might check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there are many complaints about them not paying for accidents, etc.

2. Read About Car Insurance

In order to really understand what you may be able to do without, in the way of options, you should have a good understanding of what the options cover. Greater savings will come from a greater understanding of what your needs really are. For instance, if you have a brand new car, you may not need the towing option for at least a year or two. You may also be able to do without car rental, too.

3. Increase Your Deductible

This is one thing that can give you a noticeable reduction. By increasing the amount of money that you pay in each accident, you put the insurance company at less of a risk. They like this, and will lower your rates to reflect the amount that you increase your part. Be sure, though, that if you have an accident tomorrow that you can afford to pay the deductible. You will be required to pay it before the auto insurance company will pay their part.

4. Get Less Coverage

Instead of buying the most coverage you can, it is a good idea to get the recommended amount. Also, if your car is more than 10 years old, you should probably drop the comprehensive part of your auto insurance. After 10 years, you may be paying more for your comprehensive than the car is worth. Save this money instead, and apply it to getting another, newer car.

5. Add Security Features To Your Car

If you live in a more urban area, or in an area where there is car theft, you can lower your car insurance rates by adding some security features to your car. These usually result in a discount with each new feature you have. This includes steering wheel locks, auto alarms, and satellite tracking systems.

Besides these things, you may want to talk to your car insurance agent to see if driving classes will also lower your rates. Having multiple cars insured by the same company, and staying away from cars that are the most likely to be stolen, or sporty, will reduce your rates, too.

Joe Kenny is the webmaster of, a UK insurance comparison site offering cheap car insurance or visit for more car insurance.Annabal Blog83633
Bari Blog33544

Keep Crafting Alive!

Isn't this a wonderful time of year? We are about to enter the "season of craziness", and by that of course I mean, The stores will soon be decorated with winter wonder-land appearances, and that feeling in your heart gets a little bit warmer. If we can think back to those childhood memories, we can probably start to remember some kind, craft ideas to pass on to the next generations also.

The feeling of "home" is often the way I like to describe it, but it goes beyond that. We should really focus now, on making sure that this does not become a lost art. Commercial use of the season can make you lazy and jaded from "doing things yourself", or "taking the time to make it from scratch", but do not let yourself forget the priceless memories that can come attached with taking the rougher road.

What are children or grandchildren going to remember years from now about spending a little time with you around the holiday season? Will it be the "fight for the furry, red doll that you tickle?" (You know the one!), the mad dash around the stores, trying to affordably fit everyone in? In some cases, this is fine. Just make sure that they are not the "only" memories they have!

Even if it was something as simple as making snow-cream with your parents or grandparents, Can you remember it? It sticks out like a sore thumb, because it's warm and happy. It makes you feel a little friendlier, and it may remind you of someone very special that you love that's not with us now. It's certainly not a tradition that you want to let fall through the cracks of time!

I now challenge you to think of at least the ten most important people in your life, and think of a nice craft (made by you) to give to them this year. It may be a traditional one that you have already planned, Great!, and if it includes the recipient helping to make it, Even Better! Try to start a few new traditions also, so that our future generations will have a little "extra" to remember about us. Let's keep crafting alive! -Stephanie

Copywright, October 2006

Stephanie Lynn PeedenAlexia Blog81881
Brigid Blog27601

Cleveland Schools Career Fields Program

Cleveland Schools Aims to Help Students Prepare for Life After High School

All Cleveland Schools high schools have developed the Career Fields path of study to help students choose and succeed in higher education, work, and life after high school. The Career Fields places occupations into paths that share common skills. This allows teachers and students to combine educational study with more technical instruction. The six career paths chosen by Cleveland Schools are: Arts and Communications, Business and Management & Information Technology, Environmental and Agricultural Systems, Health Services, Human Resources/ Services, and Industrial and Engineering Systems. Following an educational path allows students to plan for a career after high school or a two-year technical or associate degree, or a four-year college degree. Cleveland Schools Career Fields provides the elective courses, in addition to the core requirements that will prepare them for the career of their choice.

Each Career Field is a part of a Career Pathway Certificate Programs, the only difference between these and the regular high school curriculum is that Career Pathway students may enter the workforce immediately after graduation from high school. When entering the ninth grade in the Cleveland Schools students can choose to enter the Individual Career Plan. This allows students in the Cleveland Schools to have a greater understanding of who they are, have a potential career path that is grounded in their personal skills and interests, and put together an educational plan in high school that will help them achieve their dream of a successful career.

The Six Career Pathways in the Cleveland Schools Career Fields Program

The Arts and Communications Career Field focuses on those careers that pertain to the arts in some way. Such job opportunities in the path include: vocal & instrumental music; visual and media arts; theater and film; journalism and literature; mass media, TV/radio and broadcasting; advertising, public relations, graphic design, printing/publishing, telecommunications and technical writing.

The Business, Management & Information Technology Field pathway provides training in high skilled world of business, management and administration as well as marketing, finance accounting, and data processing. Students who follow this path usually have a strong background in math, science and technical skills.

The Environmental and Agricultural Systems Career Field trains students for opportunities in agriculture, the environment and natural resources. It includes agricultural science, earth sciences, environmental sciences as well as service, research, education and production. Some careers to consider are agriculture, earth sciences, environmental studies, fisheries management, animal care, forestry, lawn care, plant care, floral work, horticulture, and wildlife management.

The Health Services Career Field path offers students education in health and treatment of injuries and disease and includes service, research, education and manufacturing areas of the health industry. There are a variety of jobs in the health services field including: working in medicine, dentistry, nursing, therapy and rehabilitation, nutrition, fitness and hygiene.

The Human Resources/Services Career Field trains students in possible pursuits in economic, political and social systems and include personal, protective, legal, educational and childrens and family services. Students will have the future opportunity to work in the law and legal services, community support areas such as fire and city services, education and personal services such as cosmetology and home health aide.

The Industrial and Engineering Systems Career Field pathway educates students in the careers that related to technologies necessary to design, develop, install and maintain physical systems for transportation, construction and manufacturing areas. The jobs in which students could pursue might include engineering and related technologies; mechanics and repair; transportation; manufacturing technology; and precision production and construction.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more on Cleveland schools visit Blog40908
Cathleen Blog11928

Watering The Greenhouse

Watering is one of the most tedious tasks with greenhouse gardening, as these types of indoor gardens require much more water. Watering your greenhouse improperly could cause you to lose your crops. This article will help you to learn ways to make your daily chore much easier while fabulously reaping the benefits.

When To Water

Its always best to water your plants in the evening, rather than during the hot daytime hours.

Plants made up of soil-less composts, need more water because they get dry more quickly.

The best way to kill your plants is to water them simply out of routine of doing it. Make sure not to over-water them, but at the same time, assure that they have the amount of moisture that they need.

Larger and more mature plants need more water than young new plants. Take care to take the proper measures to water them accordingly. When your older plants start drooping, it may be time to take out the watering can!

The plants in your greenhouse will require less water during the dormant season of the coldest weather usually in December and January.

Keeping the floor wet in your greenhouse in the very hot summer days, will help to keep moisture in the air for your crops.


At times it may be hard to predict the amount of moisture that is in a plant pot, especially if it has a lot of peat-based compost. Try pressing your fingers gently into the top of the soil mixture inside of the pot.

Another way to guess the level of moisture is to use moisture indicators in a few select pots.

Larger plants that have been established for some time will benefit most with less forceful watering. This can be accomplished by breaking the force of the water dispersing from the watering can. Sometimes a small piece of cloth will do the trick. Small seeds definitely need to be watered with a very gentle spray. This can be done by pointing the rose of the watering can in an upward motion.

Hand-watering is still the most dominant method of greenhouse garden irrigation, even in todays competitive markets. After frequent crop losses however, many growers are realizing that it may be time to change their traditional ways.

Overhead Spraying

Many of us prefer to have a spray mechanism when watering the greenhouse garden. It is possible to purchase several different designs of tubing that can be suspended overhead from the roof of your greenhouse. Some water spraying systems will spray in two-sided directions; others will spray water to only one side. You will have to select the type of tube design that you need and prefer.


Although it is possible to buy specially designed systems with reservoirs, you can improvise to save money. This way works wonderfully. Find a lengthy piece of plastic gutter and use it as a reservoir by inserting one end of the capillary mat. Capillary mats allow the plants to be watered from the base of the container, where the capillary action of the compost takes place. Just sit your plants on top of the mat. The gutter should be always filled with water. You can do this by hand-watering it or by creating a drip system with the simple use of water bags.

Simple drip water system kits can be purchased with minimal cost for those that would prefer this method. These kits include usually about six drip valves that can be synchronized. Some kits even have adjustable water and fertilizer flow.

You can also pick up a combination of mist-like sprayers and adjustable dripper kits.

It is often best to have automatic watering systems that can do the job when the owner or part-time hobbyist is away at work or away even for short periods of time. Timers or automatic sensors can be applied to help as well with this task.

Allow me to share this quotation:

The most noteworthy thing about gardeners is that they are always optimistic, always enterprising, and never satisfied. They always look forward to doing something better than they have ever done before. Vita Sackville-West

For more great gardening tips and gardening free stuff, please visit

Free to Publish, but may not be edited in any way and resource link must remain.

Louanne Baelde freelances as a writer/editor. She is passionate about gardening and welcomes you to find great easy gardening tips at Blog48034
Alina Blog82007

Bigger, Better Lips

The appearance of ones lips is an issue for more than a few women. Simply put, they would like to turn their thin ones into bigger, better lips.

Bigger, Better Lips

The interaction between humans is a much studied subject. While there are different aspects of the study, one thing that is not disputed is the face tends to be the focal point during conversation. As part of this focus, the individuals speaking evaluate each others face and take cues from it. With cosmetic surgery, one can make modifications to facial features. In this case, of course, we are talking about bigger, better lips.

In study after study, women repeatedly complain about the size of their lips. Many women prefer full lips, but feel theirs are to thin. The thin look is often associated with cues of coldness, hardly an aspect most women wish to convey. With cosmetic surgery, however, there are ways to address this issue.

Today, practically any person can obtain fuller lips through cosmetic surgery. The process can be undertaken in a variety of ways, including temporary and permanent applications. Temporary results can be obtained with collagen and fat injections. Over time, the collagen and fat is absorbed by the body and the lips lose their fullness. For a permanent look, most cosmetic surgeons will recommend implants using synthetic materials such as Gore-Tex and synthetic collagen. There is also a flap procedure that can be formed where skin and fat on the inside of the mouth is pushed up to create fuller looking lips.

Although each procedure is different, none take more than a few hours to complete. Pain is typically moderate and can be controlled through medication. Depending on the exact procedure, bruising and swelling will last from a few days to three weeks. Swelling can be significant.

The cost associated with obtaining fuller lips varies widely by procedure. Collagen injections can run in the $300 to $500 range. Full flap or implant procedures are invasive and more expensive with costs running up to and beyond $5,000. The best way to gauge the prospective costs is to consult with a cosmetic surgeon.

Ricardo de Silva is with - a free directory of plastic surgeons and articles.Ada Blog80540
Aurilia Blog16083

What Is Microsoft Terminal Server?

Microsoft Terminal Server is a component of the Windows operating system that allows users to remotely access servers and applications over the internet or a local area network. Terminal Server runs on Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server and Windows NT 4 Terminal Server. Client devices connecting to a Terminal Server can be Windows workstations, Macintosh or Linux machines, mobile devices and dumb terminals.

When Terminal Server is installed and enabled on a Windows Server, users can connect to virtual desktops, or single instances of an application. User's applications, or virtual desktops, are executed on the server instead of the client. The end user sees their terminal services session across the network or internet connection, similar to VNC or Citrix.

Unlike these other remote control programs, a Windows Terminal Server runs a in a multi user mode that allows multiple users to log into the server at the same time. Depending on the hardware and resources that the server can provide, a single Terminal Server can support dozens or even hundreds of simultaneous users.

Terminal Server sessions provide support for many client side resources. For example, a Windows 2003 Terminal Server supports accessing your local disk drives, printers, serial ports, sound and the windows clipboard while connected to a Terminal Services session.

The Windows XP Pro operating system also provides similar functionality. It is called "Remote Desktop". The main difference is that it only supports one user at a time. If you connect to a Windows XP Pro machine via a Terminal Services session, it will actually lock the console of the physical machine. "Remote Desktop" can be enabled on an XP Pro machine by accessing the "System" applet, selecting the "Remote" tab and checking the option that says "Enable Remote Desktop on this computer".

Building a stable Terminal Server solution can be a lot of work, and this article merely scratches the surface of the technology, but hopefully you now have a better idea of what it is and what it can do.

Matt Peterson is a Consultant for N2 Network Solutions, Visit N2 online at,Brynna Blog14533
Benita Blog50470

Parenting Teenagers - Your Teenagers First Year At College

The first year at college is an extremely stressful time for both the parent and the teenager. Not only is your teen truly leaving home for the first time, they also are leaving their friends and a world that they have lived in and felt comfortable with for years.

For most teenagers their first year includes a new area, along with a new room and roommate. College comes with a learning environment that is fast paced and a lot less personal than high school. This is sometimes an extreme shock to a teenager and they may soon find themselves struggling to keep up with and understand all the material they need to learn. Tests and quizzes are longer and require knowledge of much more material than High School, causing students' stress levels to rise even more.

With no one to really guide them, sometimes a first-year student will find unhealthy or dangerous ways to relax and take their mind off of school. Although the dangers your teenager faces in college are the same as high school, the environment, rules, and people which present these situations are completely different. Your teenager is now in a place where they have to make friends all over again, and since you, nor any other adult is looking over their shoulder to tell them "No", they may make unsafe and regretful decisions.

Drinking is the biggest threat to a teenager in college. Alcohol is easy to purchase and even easier to consume. Parties constantly exist near or even on campus, with availability of alcohol and sometimes even drugs. With no adults present and security personnel rarely showing up, a teenager may feel almost invincible, therefore pushing themselves to a level of drinking and partying that they cannot handle. A teenager may begin to spin out of control without even knowing it. Partying too much on the weekend, or even during the school week, may lead to classes being skipped. Before they know it, teenagers in their first year of college may find themselves falling behind in class, possibly leading to the failing of classes.

What Parents can Do

Keep in contact with your teenager, but do not smother them. Call occasionally to see how much time they are spending in their room. Do not ask them if they are going to class or not. Instead, ask more personal questions about their classes. For instance, if they are taking an English class, ask what book they are reading at the moment. If they have an assigned book reading, ask what the book is about and if they like it. Ask whether they are or are not enjoying reading it and find out why your teenager feels that way. By asking about the details, parents will get a better understanding about the progress their teen is making and how serious they are taking their classes.

It is also important to ask them how they like the college environment and if they are making friends. Ask what your son or daughter is doing in his or her spare time and what entertainment options are available.

Make sure your teen knows that he can call home anytime, especially if he feels overwhelmed or homesick.

At the same time, ask your teenager about the best time to reach him so you can talk to him when you are missing him. By admitting to your teen that you miss him it will be easier for your teen to pick up the phone to call you if she is homesick or feeling overwhelmed.

Parents experiencing the empty nest syndrome are sometimes tempted to convert their college freshman's room to other use. There are several reasons why I would recommend not doing that. First, your teen will be home from college more than parents initially think. Secondly, already troubled by the separation of family and friends, it would cause further distress to your teenager if his room were not available for him when he comes home. During the first year of college your teenager has to work through several emotional issues. It would ease some of the stress for your teenager if everything were the way she left it when she comes home during breaks.

Christina Botto has been involved with helping parents and teenagers resolve complicated issues for more than 14 years, observing and developing parenting strategies. Her dedication to helping parents inspired her to write her book, 'Help Me With My Teenager! A Step-by-step Guide for Parents that Works.' Christina continues to help parents and their teens through her website http://www.helpwithteenagers.comBeverlie Blog40018
Aleece Blog78208

An Introduction To Raid Greater Reliability ,faster, Less Costly Hard Drive Units

What is a raid setup on a computer system?

Like anything else it depends who you talk to.

Raid hard drive systems had their acronym explained as Redundant Array of Individual Drives and Redundant Array of Inexpensive Drives. The acronym for this is the shortened term RAID.

Capacity, reliability and performance are all important for file servers or other computer systems when you are storing large or very important files.

It is often said that It is not if you hard drive will fail. It is at what point in time your hard drive will fail.

Of course if your hard drives fail even if you have backup the last bit of data which was being written onto the hard drive when the failure occurred will be lost.

You can get much greater capacities, avoid losing data from disk failure, and do all this with the RAID (the acronym for the system).

RAID can now be done with standard commercially available hard drives so the cost is now within your price range for all the benefits and peace of mind RAID will give you.

RAID can be simply explained as putting the hard drives in parallel sequence.

The host adapter (usually called the RAID system controller) sits between one higher stream (on the computer side) and several lower rate data streams (on the hard drive side). When the computer writes to the disks , the host adapter takes high stream data and breaks it into many synchronized streams , one for each of the disks in process called Striping . Upon reading the data the host adapter takes the data stream from each disk multiplexes the sets of data streams and coordinates sending the resulting combined set of data onto the computer.

It is all a matter of redundancy which makes RAID such a good thing in most cases.

There are six different levels of RAID functionality depending on your requirements. the level of data security and integrity you want as well as the size of hard drive space you want.

First of RAID Level 0 which spreads the data across multiple disks. You can get a similar effect to the RAID Level 0 by having multiple disks and using the features in Windows 2000 or its successor Windows XP.

Since the data volume and rate to any specific disk is a fraction of the aggregate you will receive larger capacity and better performance from a RAID 0 setup than from any one conventional disk.

As well data can be sourced from multiple drives as once. This can be most useful in shared situations which may benefit from enhancements in speed, two examples which come to mind are game servers and peer to peer (P2P) file or music file sharing servers.

However since there is no allocation for error correction or redundancy RAID 0 is not a safe system for vital data. Data will be lost on disk failure. Only use RAID 0 in situations where you need the extended disk capacity or performance gain but not enhanced data reliability.

Secondly in sequence there is RAID Level 1.

In the same way that RAID 0 focuses solely on storage capacity and performance with no concern whatsoever on reliable data storage RAID 1, which us also called Disk Mirroring uses disks in pairs to save the files in a redundant manner.

Several points.

One performance may be slower as it takes time for the host adapter to send the data and for the drives to write it to disk,

Secondly a user may delete or damage files which of course will be stored in that way on both drives.

Raid 1 hence offers better reliability than RAID 0 or the conventional drive setups but does not give full security for your data or enhanced performance.

Next in sequence we have RAID Levels 2, 3 and 4.

Raid 2 adds one or more disks to hold error correction codes with which lost data can be reconstructed.

Raid Level 3 is the same as RAID Level 2 but uses a simpler code the maximum storage capacity with Raid 3 may be somewhat less.

Raid Level 4 is nearly the same as RAID LEVEL 3 but instead of Striping across disks is operates at a sector level, You now have the better situation of both a simpler , less intensive demanding system and as well as good data reliability . In addition performance may be enhanced as large data blocks can be written faster due to more coordinated writing to the drives in smaller sector areas.

Lastly is RAID Level 5.

Raid level 5 is the same as the excellent RAID Level 4 except that instead of dedicating a single disk to storing the data the data stream is striped across all the disks. You have greater performance with greater reliability for your computer systems.

A RAID setup may take some effort and training on your part.

Base your planning for your new RAID system on a careful analysis of your needs.

What is important in your situation currently? Disk size capacities, data reliability and integrity, performance or a combination or all.

Arthur B. V. FellonBunny Blog81557
Barbara Blog55330

How to Double Your Sales Appointments in Half the Time; Part 4

Here are the final 3 Sales Prospecting Errors that lead to low sales appointment success. Find out how to avoid the Slippery Slope of low sales appointment conversion ratios.

In Part 3, How To Double your Sales Appointments in Half the Time, we reviewed and remedied the first 3 sales prospecting errors that start us down the Slippery Slope to low Sales prospecting conversation ratios.

So lets continue to address the final 3 sales prospecting errors, discuss some proven solutions that will head us toward our worthy goal of spending Less time to achieve more targeted Top-down sales appointments.

Sales Prospecting Error #4

We fail to develop an effective Call to Action; strategic words and phrases that create a positive 'visual' reference to the Prospect of what happens during the initial appointment and how long it takes.

Develop your Call to Action communication as a visual block of time in which a Step-by-step process occurs with the objective of having your Top-down prospect inform you they perceive enough of a potential benefit to take the next step in your evaluation process.

How long does it take to run your 1st appointment in your current sales process; 30, 45, 60 minutes? Id estimate in the small to medium size B-to-B arena the average 1st appointment timeline is about 35 minutes. That is to re-cap why you are there, to inquire about their current state of the union, to overview your solution offering and to gain commitment for the next step in your sales process.

But if you ask a business person with fiscal authority for more than 15 minutes of their time initially, your closing ratios on a sales prospecting call will go down dramatically.

I dont know the scientific reason why, but I do understand the logical explanation. These business people are busy. Its that simple. Every minute of the day is accountable to moving closer to their business objective. There is No room in the Inn for distractions that are not in line with their business objectives.

Especially the idea of Meeting with some stranger that is only interested in selling me something that I dont need just so they can make a living.

Because in their minds, if they knew something was broken, theyd already have gone in and fixed it.

Ultimately your key objective for the 1st appointment is to Gain Commitment to Take the Next Step in your sales process, whether that step is a diagnostic survey, a demo, a site visit or a proposal. But when your sales prospecting methodology is a Top-down approach, these C-level prospect contacts do not get into the nitty-gritty of your evaluation process. They wont walk you through the office opening up closet doors to evaluate telephone systems or help you pull current service invoices from file drawers. They want to understand whats in it for them from a financial aspect, what your diagnostic process looks like in order to see if the solution fits and what timelines there are to see the results. And they dont like major change.

But if your 15-minute Call to Action communication is effective, they will delegate these tasks to a lower level to effectively conduct the evaluation to qualify if your solution offering will help them with their business challenges. By them delegating down, it will help you minimize any service bias within the organization with non-decision makers. And that lowers sales cycles and increases sales closing ratios.

In summary, frame up your Call to Action under the theme of The Business Reason to Meet and visually communicate the steps in your diagnostic process, the potential benefits (Along Economic terms in line with Business challenges) and what they will get in return for the time invested in the 15-minute face-to-face appointment.

Sales Prospecting Error #5

We dont support our Call to Action with 3rd party valuators parallel to the Prospects business objectives; valuators like business statistics, appointment performance ratios, ROI figures and relevant success stories.

Heres a hard-knock lesson on sales prospecting conversations and one you need to put to memory.

A targeted Business prospect does not care what you think. I repeat; they do not care what you think or what you personally want. After all, they dont know you yetand thats fair. Thats the reality of the moment. After they get to know you, they will respect youre personal perspective on what you feel is good for them, but not now. Its too soon. Got It?

Heres my point. How many times have you heard someone talking to a prospect and communicating the words, Heres what Id like to do, or I think you should have me come in to meet and , or In my experience, heres what Ive seen.

Get my point? We already realize we are perfect strangers to this target prospect, so why should we reference what WE think or what WE have found to work. Its not valid data. So heres the golden rule:

Avoid 1st Party references when communicating on a sales prospecting call.

Replace 1st Party references with 3rd Party Valuators.

When you communicate the Business Reason to Meet, back it up with real numbers; business data like your own conversion ratios of helping prospects become clients or your overall companys ratios. What about condensed case studies of current customers that hold the same title of responsibility in the same industry? Or how about accumulating business ROI statistics in relevant modules in line with prospect business issues and challenges?

3rd party references to support the Business Reason to Meet should be specific and applicable to your Prospects world, and not visually project a one-sided salesperson view or a marketing brochure.

Sales Prospecting Error #6

We fail to document all possible Objections and develop Powerful communication templates to negotiate 3rd Solutions.

There are only a finite amount of scenarios in any selling process and if you identify, train to and measure each and every one, you are on your way to excellence.

That statement I coined some years back is especially true in a sales prospecting conversation.

It means there are only a finite number of objections you encounter over the telephone when attempting to set a 1st appointment with your Target contact.

Statements like, Send me some information, and I dont handle thatso and so does.

Or what about the popular, Im happy with my current Vendor and Im under a Contract?

Identify all of them and develop Powerful communications templates in line with each one.

Perception is Reality.

Your target sales prospects initially will put you into a Perception bucket you do not belong in and you can't afford to be in. They want to fit you into a past experience, good or bad. It's up to you to differentiate yourself from the very beginning when directly responding to concerns and objections spoken, unspoken, or implied.

Systemize your Sales Prospecting System into individual Components and Elements and Practice before you Preach.

Youre only as good as the intellectual capital you share throughout your sales organization. That will keep you ahead of the competition.

Understand the 6 errors that have been discussed in this article series and decide to do the opposite. Develop best practices and business communication paths parallel to each possible scenario. Because best practices are techniques that through experience and measurement more often than not lead to the desired result.

Then invest in the technology to bundle it up into a learning system that you can become certified to, adopt it and adapt it over time.

We understand why Professional athletes practice prior to the event. Professional sales people need to do the same.

Because if you can double the amount of targeted sales appointments and spend half the time achieving it, it will save you a bunch of valuable time, make you more money and get you the recognition you deserve.

And thats a worthy cause indeed.

Jeff Hardesty is a National sales speaker, Sales performance improvement consultant and the Developer of the X2 Sales System, a blended sales prospecting training system that teaches sales professionals the competency of setting targeted C-level business appointments. Adrienne Blog50489
Bernardine Blog70522

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